Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Princess Axolotl"

I've finished the axolotl painting!

If you're following me on Instagram, you may have already seen the progress pics:

Adding things in to the painting - playing with patterns - working out where the little axolotl was going to go...

Layering in colours, building up layers, adding more dots and patterns!

The finished painting!

I've popped the original painting up for auction on eBay HERE.
There are also glossy paper prints available in 2 sizes HERE.

Axolotls are magical creatures. You might have heard of them as "Mexican Walking Fish". They are basically salamanders in their larval form. A tadpole turns in to a frog, but an axolotl hasn't quite turned into a salamander. They can breathe in and out of water. About 10 years ago, I had an axolotl named "Axle" as a pet. He was a black axolotl like this guy:

But what happened at Boggo Road Gaol you ask? Unfortunately, my Saturday night at Boggo Road Goal was cut short, so there's not much to tell. It certainly is somewhere I'd like to go back and tour through though. It's so eerie and interesting! A ghost tour there would be fun.

In case you missed it: all of my mailing list have been sent a FREE colouring page from my new colouring book. If you want to get your hands on one, simply enter your name and email here:

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