Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"Jelly Rose"

My first ever spray tan was with a lady named "Gelly Rose". I was so nervous. I went into her beautiful pink and white striped salon, and she was super lovely and friendly and made me feel so at ease! My friend and I didn't know her real name (sorry Sandra!), so every time we wanted to go to that salon we would just say "Wanna see Gelly?". That was probably...10? years ago. Wow. These days, spray tans are pretty much a thing of the past for me. But the name must have stuck, because this afternoon when I was thinking about what to name my new mermaid painting "Jelly Rose" sprung to mind!

"Jelly Rose" Painting by Jaz Higgins
"Jelly Rose" Original Painting

I had a picture of a cute blonde mermaid in my head. Most mermaids have long, flowing hair, but I thought there needed to be a mermaid with a cute styled cut! Surely there are hairdressers for mermaids right? This one has a little blonde bob with a fringe! I painted in one jellyfish, and it multiplied! lol. Before I knew it there were three jellies in the painting, and I then I added in a couple of peony roses for a feminine touch. Overall this painting has a calming effect to it.

"Jelly Rose" Painting by Jaz Higgins - Side View
A quick side profile pic I snapped in the backyard late this afternoon.

The original painting is up for auction HERE in my eBay store.

 *yawn* It's brushes down and bed time for me now. Night! :)


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